
COVIDEO Learning

Affordable tuition for £10 per hour. Call us on 07593319630

What we do?

We find and handpick the best and most passionate student tutors and teach your child in the subjects they’re struggling in, not just to catch them up but to help them excel.

How we plan to help provide free lessons?

During COVID-19 we understand that it has impacted young people’s education terribly – beign disrupted half way towards exams, isolating missing class time, online materials not efficient… but we can help!

Half of our profits are going to help offer free lessons to students who may not be able to afford them.

Education is so important, and we feel like we have a huge role to play to help get everyone back on their feet!

A tale of two tragedies

School students; in March schools were closed for 5 months to happen virtually, some students thrived, but the majority of students suffered the impact of isolation and “Covid Learning Loss”

University students; students who headed to university this year faced a strange fate, their lectures were held virtually and in some cases they found themselves locked in their student halls. The biggest challenge for a lot of student is not being able to find work around campus to fund their studies and living costs.

Our Solution

Covideo Learning; as a tutor myself, I knew something needed done to help both the school students and university students, which is why I set up COVIDEO Learning. To allow school students to catch up on their work at an affordable price online over video tuition from university students providing them with a chance to earn money to fund their studies.

How it works?

  1. Drop us an email with the level, subject and board you need a tutor for. For example: A Level Geography for the AQA board. Also include your ideal time/date for the first lesson.
  2. We find a tutor from our network of 10,000 students, within a few days, if not faster.
  3. We match you and the tutor, and arrange a lesson at a time which suits you both. After the first lesson you can arrange more lessons with that tutor. If you don’t think the current tutor is a good match, we’ll find you another one for free.


Finders fee: We charge a one off finders fee of £25 per subject, once we find the tutor for you. However if this tutor is not a good fit we will keep looking for free until we find one which best helps you and your child.

Tutor cost: Once we find the tutor, they offer a two hour lesson for £20. We take no commission, and after the first lesson you are free to come to your own arrangement with the tutor.

Need a tutor?

If you are looking for an affordable tutor email us with the following:

Level of tuition, Subject and time/date which would suit for the first lesson.

Email: learn@covideolearning.com

Want to join our team?

If you are a student and would like to tutor for COVIDEO Learning, drop us an email with your CV and what subjects you would like to teach.

We’ll be in touch soon.

Email: teach@covideolearning.com


There is no such thing as stupid questions, email us at learn@covideolearning.com if you have any questions!

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